What do you need to bring with you?
Each child has a drawer and a peg allocated to them, so we will endeavour to keep your child’s belongings safe. It is best that each child brings a small bag or rucksack with their belongings in it. If the rucksack is named it really helps us out, Ideally a tag with a photo on one side and their name on the other is best as it helps each child identify their own things quickly. Each bag should contain at least 1 change of clothes – more if your child is potty training! In addition we would like each child to have a pair of wellies or outdoor boots, a coat, an all in one waterproof suit or waterproof trousers, gloves & hat. Also Nappies if still needed, any dummies or comforters if needed. In summer a sun hat is also required.
How can you pay for your childcare?
Your bill or invoice will come out towards the middle of the month for the previous month’s childcare. All invoices need paying by the end of the month. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or directly through internet banking. All details will be on your invoice. If payments are not made by the end of the month, we may charge a late payment fee.
How can you tell us about your child needs, anything special or changes in routine on a daily basis?
Each day staff will be available to take this information and pass it on to whoever your child will be with that day. In addition, any messages can be emailed to info@sunflowersdaynursery.com where they will be passed on to the right person. In addition, we can give each family a communication book this can be used to pass on any information about your child, – this can be used to tell us what you are doing with your child at home, anything you are struggling with, finding challenging or having fun with. Any changes in routine should ideally be made in writing and passed to a member of staff with a verbal explanation.
What happens if your child is ill?
If your child falls ill at nursery, we would work hard to care for them until you are able to pick them up. Please ask to see a copy of our sickness and illness policy if you have any questions. We are able to administer medicine on your behalf while a child is at nursery, as long as we have a suitable medication form completed. We can administer any prescribed medication. Any over the counter medications can also be administered with the exception of those containing Asprin or Ibuprofen. If your child is ill, we ask them to stay away from nursery in accordance with our Sickness and Illness Policy. In the case of diarrhoea and sickness we must adhere to a 48 hour exclusion period AFTER the last episode. This ensures the bug has completely left the system and doesn’t infect other children and staff. Your Childs space must still be paid for if they are ill and unable to attend nursery.
Sunny Days
We have a section on the admissions form which asks for your permission for us to apply sunscreen. We ask that where possible, children come to nursery wearing sunscreen at the start of their session. We ask that this information is passed onto the staff you drop them off with. Throughout the day we will reapply the sunscreen before we go outside. Nursery does have a supply of sunscreen Factor 30+. If your child is sensitive to any brands or you prefer a certain type, then we ask that you bring a supply with your child. This should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. In addition each child should have a sun hat and be wearing clothes which ensure that shoulders are covered. We ensure that we have plenty of drinks available throughout the day.
Head Bumps & other accidents
If your child has a head bump while they are at Nursery, it is our policy to contact you and let you know. The reason we do this is so that you have the option of coming to get them to monitor them at home. If you are happy for us to continue to monitor your child, it is fine for them to stay at nursery. If we were worried about your child we would ask you to collect your child immediately. Head bumps do happen frequently, especially when children are learning to walk and move around independently, or just moving at a very fast pace – all staff are First Aid Trained and know how to look out for signs of concussion. If your child had a small injury at nursery such as a scrape or a bruise, our trained first aid team would care for their immediate needs, we would contact you immediately if there was the need for professional medical attention. We would obviously phone an ambulance if it was a serious injury. We fill in an accident report for each injury and ask you to sign this at the end of your child’s session.
Accidents in the home
If your child has an accident or receives an injury at home or whilst not in nursery care, we ask that you fill in a report form. This is a requirement from OFSTED. It is designed to be used as a point of reference for any further care the injury may need and also makes it clear that your child did not receive this injury in the setting.
Finding out about how your child is doing
Please speak to us as much as you like! – From time to time we will hold special events such as parents evenings and Family play days, where our staff are on hand to go through your child’s development, but this really can be done at any time, just let a member of staff know when is good for you.
What if you’re not happy?
From time to time, there maybe elements of your child’s care which niggle you or you want to question. We really need you to tell us about these straight away – you can speak to any member of staff and we will deal with the problem swiftly and confidentially. If you feel the problem hasn’t been resolved, or you need further information, please speak to Heather and we will all work together to sort it out. At this point further details can be obtained about how to make a formal complaint, but we will always do all we can to make things better before it gets to this level.
Mobile Phones
We ask that all parents and visitors make sure that they DO NOT use their mobile phones within the setting. This a Safeguarding Requirement.
Access to Nursery
You will receive the door code to get into nursery when your child starts. It is important that you keep this code confidential and do not pass it on to anyone outside the setting. It is also VERY important that you DO NOT let anyone else into nursery as you arrive or leave – Each parent will have the door code and Visitors must ring the bell to gain access.
Anything else
If you have any further questions or queries, please, please let us know. We will always do our very best to make sure that everything is right, safe and exciting for you and your child. We always have had a very open and honest approach to our childcare and work hard to build good relationships with the parents and families of the children we care for.
Welcome to the Sunflowers family.